Mayo Clinic BasicMed Modules

You are required to view all six modules and these can be viewed in any order.

NOTE: You will need to view the entire module and enter the security word or phrase embedded into the video in order for the system to recognize that you have completed it. Once the module has been viewed and the security word entered, the icon in the bottom corner of the section will shift from red to green to signify that the module is completed. When all modules have been finished, you will then be allowed to take the Mayo Clinic BasicMed 20-question examination that is based upon information from the six modules.

Enjoy the Course!


Module 1: Conducting Medical Self-Assessments in the Aviation Environment


Module 2: Warning Signs of Serious Medical Conditions


Module 3: Medical Risk Mitigation


Module 4: Awareness and Health Effects of Prescription & Over-the-Counter Drugs


Module 5: Importance of Regular Medical Examinations


Module 6: Prohibition of Operations if a Medical Deficiency Exists